2. Saya juga mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada para sahabat yang sentiasa memberikan pandangan, idea, komen dan soalan yang mendorong saya untuk terus berfikir dan menghasilkan karya yang terus mendokong perkembangan sistem pendidikan di Malaysia.
3. Selain itu ucapan terima jasih juga saya ucapkan kepada para guru di serata Malaysia yang terus-menerus berbincang dan bertukar pandangan dengan saya. Setiap pandangan berpotensi mencambahkan idea dan pemikiran baru kepada saya.
4 Ucapan terima kasih seterusnya diucapkan kepada para pembaca blog ini yang berterusan meluangkan masa menghubungi saya untuk jemputan acara mesyuarat PIBG, sesi latihan, sarana ibubapa dan sebagainya.
5. Saya berdoa agar Allah swt terus memberikan saya peluang dan ruang untuk terus berkongsi ilmu dengan seberapa banyak penerima ilmu yang mungkin selagi saya masih hidup.
1. I would like to express my gratitude to Allah swt for giving me the strength and opportunity to continue writing from day 1 until today.
2. I also take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my colleagues who have commented, gave ideas and also asked questions which led me to continue thinking and writing to further develop Malaysia's education system.
3. A special thank you to all those teachers who willingly share ideas. Those ideas create a new process thought for me to write further.
4. Last but not least is a special THANK YOU to readers of this blog who continually invite me to give talks, trainings, PTA meetings etc.
5. I pray that Allah swt continue to give me the strength and opportunity to share my knowledge with as much readers and listeners while I am still alive.
3. A special thank you to all those teachers who willingly share ideas. Those ideas create a new process thought for me to write further.
4. Last but not least is a special THANK YOU to readers of this blog who continually invite me to give talks, trainings, PTA meetings etc.
5. I pray that Allah swt continue to give me the strength and opportunity to share my knowledge with as much readers and listeners while I am still alive.
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